Friday, May 13, 2016

Oughtta cost $1,000

Checking in.....

After our Audit webinar with Jim last night, a few of you got out of Neutral and into Overdrive!

First thing this morning Farajah was on the phone with a merchant in PA who owns several commercial properties and businesses and wants to discover what we can do for him on a Discovery Call!   (Way to go, TNA Farajah!  *Totally New Agent)

Couple of hours after that, Cal was urgently needing the Cost Remediation Questionnaire because he had a merchant wanting to set up a Discovery Call! (Way to go, Cal!)

Jim Colip once more astounded us with the depth of
  • a. his knowledge of cost remediation and
  • b. how much money there is to be made in this arena!
He shared that the average to be recovered for commercial property owners is $300,000.00 per building!!  Do you think it is hard to get an owner to invest 30 minutes in a  Discovery Call that has such a huge upside for him? 

Even I can do this!  At last we've found something even Barb can do!


If you put money in a merchant's pocket, do you think it is hard to get his card processing business?  

This is SO AWESOME!   This.....

leads to this.....

for merchant, DW, IBSP,  YOU and 7 other Agents!!


Don't understand it?

Don't sweat it -- just do it.

Jim shared several businesses that DW Agents have brought to him via Discovery Calls and are currently 'in process' ---  prospects for elated merchants look great, and Agent commissions in 'the high 5 figures' are possible.

Can you imagine such?  As one who used to get excited over the $.05 commission on a tube of lipstick, I can safely say....
Image result for excited face
I can't imagine it but I'm trying!
Shhhh, don't anybody tell John or David, but they ought to charge $1,000 to be part of this biz, donchathink?!


Have an awesome weekend, kids!

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