Monday, September 29, 2014


Story Monday:

Missed Opportunities  Once there was a man who missed a great opportunity!  

It seems that his friend took him for a ride one day -- way out in the country.    They drove off the main road & drove through groves of trees -- to a large uninhabited expanse of land.   A few horses were grazing -- & a couple of old shacks remained.   

The friend -- Walter -- stopped the car -- got out -- & started to describe with great vividness the wonderful things he was going to build.  Walter wanted his friend Arthur -- to buy some of the land surrounding his project -- in order to get in on the ground floor!   

But Arthur thought to himself: -- “Who in the world is going to drive 25 miles for this crazy project?”    The logistics of the venture were staggering!  

Walter explained to his friend Arthur: -- “I can handle the main project myself -- but it will take all my money. -- However, the land bordering it -- where we are now standing -- will in just a couple of years --be jammed with hotels & restaurants & convention halls -- to accommodate the people who will come to spend their entire vacations here at my park.”   

He continued:  “I want you to have the first chance at this surrounding acreage -- because in the next five years -- it will increase in value 700 times.”   

As Arthur later told the story: -- “What could I say? -- I knew he was wrong! -- I knew that he had let this dream get the best of his common sense -- so I mumbled something about a tight-money situation -- & promised that I would look into the whole thing a little later.”   “Later on will be too late” -- Walter cautioned Arthur as they walked back to the car. -- “You’d better move on it right now!”     

And so it was that  Art Linkletter turned down the opportunity to buy up all the land that surrounded what was to become Disneyland.


I can really relate to this story as I'm sure you can.  Who hasn't missed out on what we later found out was a great thing?  Whether a deal on a car, a property, or a great sale on Black Friday -- you can't get in on everything, even when it's good!

But sometimes something is truly worth making time for:  and helping merchants save on  processing fee expenses is worth the effort, both in the short AND the long run!



"Here you go! This merchant is getting ripped off, poor guy. We will save him almost 40% a month. ... This company was charging him about 50bps ours is 25bps or a quarter percent over visa/mc/disc. They also had him on a 23 cent transaction fee and a bunch of end of the month fees.
I have attached the analysis as well as the application. If you have any questions please let me know.

Thank you,
Avita Pizano"



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