Thursday, September 18, 2014

What do you say to People?

Like thick sorghum molasses over steaming hot buttered biscuits, that's how you succeed with Merchant Guard in the piney woods of southren Georgia.... witness this phone call from MG Agent Wayne Harrington:

Wayne called to say that he and  Angie are LOVIN' THIS BIZ!  They are the account-getting leaders in the country so far!  Wayne just drops by and visits small retailers in his area.  Yesterday a retailer told him "I'm not interested in what you have; we are satisfied with our processor."

Wayne left his flyer and said "Well, thank you for your time.  I'm local so if you need anything in the future, just call me."

Today, Wayne's phone rang.  It was that retailer:  "Can you come by?"

Wayne went:  retailer said "I want to do business with you.  I was thinking about it and I don't even like that other guy."

Smooooooth..... just be nice to people!


Want 1,000 MG biz cards for $32?  Boy has the SD team found a deal for you!!  Watch your Inbox for order form and instructions shortly.


What we're now saying to people who contact us to market their health, beauty, nutrition or other product.

"You know how in your business, people use a card to buy your product?"
"Well, that's our business."


Which reminds of my favorite old biz card slogan:

If you want to work the rest of your life that's your business.
If you don't,  that's MY business.

Love this card:

Sizzle Card - Need More Money Business Card Templates

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